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Paperless HR and Business Designed Just for K-12

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“Being forward-thinking, having an online onboarding process, like Helios, puts us at the forefront. It also helps recruit better! With Helios, a new hire spends only 10 minutes with us instead of two hours. Staff time is huge, so I highly recommend Helios to any district.”

Linda De la Torre
Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services
San Marino Unified School District

“It’s a pleasure working with Helios! It has saved more than half of my time and made my team’s work so much easier. I’m always happy to chat with anyone from another district about Helios and give it two thumbs up because it has been a pleasure!”

Candy Yeager
Human Resources Coordinator
Coldspring-Oakhurst Consolidated Independent School District

“Helios has made our jobs easier and safer! Everything can be managed within the system and it’s helped us stay 100% compliant. We ABSOLUTELY recommend Helios. We also love that Helios staff is always so accessible. It’s been a lifesaver for us!”

Margaret Domingo
Vice President of Human Resources
Camino Nuevo Charter Academy